La censure des dirigeants de l'UE pro-islam et anti-peuple européen va devenir de plus en plus importante au fur et à mesure des progrès de l'islamisation et de l'immigration qu'ils favorisent depuis 45 ans en échange d'immenses pots-de-vin du Qatar, de l'Arabie saoudite et des patrons des multinationales appartenant à la Trilatérale.
Pourquoi je dis ça ? J'ai l'air de sortir ça de mon chapeau. Mais pas du tout.
Voir 1) Islamisation de l'Europe
Brittany Pettibone, une américaine qui se bat contre le racisme anti-blanc, le multiculturalisme et le relativisme destructeurs de la culture occidentale, le néo-féminisme qui ne voit de mal que dans le mâle blanc hétérosexuel et l'islamisation, a été arrêtée et est enfermée depuis 3 jours comme une terroriste dans une prison anglaise pour voir voulu faire un discours à Hyde Park, au Speaker's Corner, une institution anglaise de la liberté d'expression, un petit coin du parc où tout un chacun peut venir prêcher n'importe quoi du moment que ça n'enfreint pas les lois.
The UE medias and politicians will become more severe with political activist who fight against islamisation. They send the medias or the antifas or the muslims or the policemen or the justice to do the job of stopping free speech.
La vidéo (en anglais) dans laquelle elle annonce la suppression d'une conférence par l'Etat anglais et sa décision d'aller parler au Speaker's Corner.
London Speech Cancelled Due To Security Risk, But We're Still Going. Join Us!
La vidéo (en anglais) de Peter Sweden qui parle de la situation le samedi 10 mars 2018 à 18h00 heure de Londres :
BREAKING: Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner ARRESTED & BANNED from UK w/ Caolan Robertson
Ne croyez pas qu'en France ce soit différent. La 17e chambre a été spécialement conçue comme un instrument de procès politique punissant les crimes de pensée islamophobes. Vous n'irez pas au goulag, mais devrez débourser vos sous pour vous défendre d'avoir dit la vérité sur l'islam, serez peut-être passibles d'une amende et d'une peine de prison de quelques mois avec sursis (en attendant la prochaine condamnation).
Pierre Cassen, Pascal Bruckner, Georges Bensoussan, Christine Tasin, Michel Houellebecq et des dizaines d'autres sont passés entre les mains de cette juridiction criminalisant la liberté de penser. Les hurluberlus de Charlie Hebdo n'a pas eu besoin de passer par cette 17e chambre. Ils ont reçu une autre sorte de leçon.
En attendant, les vrais criminels, ceux qui financent les terroristes d'al-Qaida avec l'argent des contribuables français, ceux qui laissent entrer par centaines de milliers chaque année des immigrants musulmans, ceux qui trahissent les Français au profit de l'OMC, de l'UE et de l'OCI, sont toujours en liberté, et ils sont même au pouvoir. Je ne vais pas citer de noms, mais certains auraient dit que le front al-Nosra fait du bon boulot, d'autres auraient dit : « Cessons de parler d’État islamique, ils trahissent la religion qu’ils prétendent servir. Ce sont juste des assassins. »
Au Royaume-Uni, c'est pareil. La semaine où ont eu lieu l'enfermement et la déportation :
Au Royaume-Uni, c'est pareil. La semaine où ont eu lieu l'enfermement et la déportation :
Pourquoi je dis ça ? J'ai l'air de sortir ça de mon chapeau. Mais pas du tout.
Voir 1) Islamisation de l'Europe
Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner GULAGED in the UK for Planning to Interview Tommy Robinson
Lauren Southern was planning on meeting up with her friends in the UK to make videos. But it seems Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were detained for planning on interviewing Tommy Robinson in the UK. UK police are holding them both in individual locations and questioning them without them actually committing a crime.
London Free Speech Rally for Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner Being Political Prisoners
London Free Speech Rally after Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were kidnapped by the British authorities and held without charge and the only excuses given were Martin being "Part of a Rightwing Group" and that they were going to interview one of their own citizens, Tommy Robinson, and that the UK had labeled him an extremist.
The group known as "Pro Great Britain" held the event. 3/11/2018.
This video is intended to document the event.
Some action begins around 32: 00
Some action begins around 32: 00
Pro Great Britain :
Tommy Robinson (Virtue Of The West)
United Kingdom Authorities: Cease Your Madness
In response to the unlawful detainment of Martin Sellner, Brittany Pettibone and certain former members of the group National Action. Please note that I am not affiliated with any of these individuals or groups. --------------------
✅ Brittany Pettibone
✅ Martin Sellner : You are not the only ones. Polish writer, journalist - Rafał Ziemkiewicz and former Polish priest - Jacek Międlar were banned from UK for far right extremism.
Peter Sweden : A summary of the UK. 20 000 Islamic extremists are roaming the streets, but they cannot be deported. But a young America Conservative girl and her boyfriend are arrested and deported immediately - Merely for the fact that they are Conservatives!!! Absolute clown land. Great to see that Brittany and Martin are back safe!
C : This is leading to a new kind of war, this may be what brings the good, working people together to fight the tyranny all over our countrys. AMERICA is dealing with a lot of government partys protecting illegal criminal immigrant.
Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner Arrive in Vienna after UK Detention
Meet The 'Right Wing' Couple Banned From The UK (Tommy Robinson, Brittany Pettibone, Martin Sellner)
Hours after landing in Vienna following their release from a UK immigration detention centre, I sat down with Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone to discuss their ordeal, and to talk about the unfair and unreasonable harassment they have faced simply because of their conservative views.
First Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner. Now Lauren Southern was banned from the UK. Lauren's producer Caolan Robertson updates us on the latest. Follow Caolan: Follow Lauren:
Lauren Southern DETAINED & BANNED From UK | w/ Caolan Robertson (12.03.2018)
First Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner. Now Lauren Southern was banned from the UK. Lauren's producer Caolan Robertson updates us on the latest. Follow Caolan: Follow Lauren:
Lauren Southern Detained in UK for "Racism"... Disgraceful
UK: Free Speech is dead. Journalist Detained and Deported, & Thousands Arrested. (RedPill Shark)
UK: Free Speech is already dead. Journalist Detained and deported. Wrong think is being policed on every front. Is the United Kingdom too far gone to be saved?
The Full Story: Why We Were Banned From The U.K. (Brittany Pettibone)
Gavin McInnes Interviews Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner on the Latest ORWELLIAN
INSANITY (12.03.2018)
Activists Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were detained and denied entry to Britain. They talk to Gavin about getting banned from the UK for plans to interview Tommy Robinson and visit Speakers' Corner. They also talk free speech, Generation Identity, what the bathrooms were like in the detention center, racism, diversity, and whether they're getting married!
C : This is the same shit everywhere in western countries. Poland and Hungary have successfully resisted for the moment, but that's all. I've certainly forgotten one or two strong and resistant countries. The other are in big danger of being destroyed : look at France, this is perhaps worse, I don't know. Look at Germany, Sweden, Italia, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, etc.
The strategy is to destroy these nations, to make them split into little independant states (like NATO did with Yugoslavia, Libya and Syra) to have more european control on each little region, combined with islamisation to destroy the traditions of free speech and free think.
With the computers, the robots, etc., only a few percent of the global population need to be really cultivated and enlightened, the other percent, the main part, the 80 percent, just need to possess basic skills (read a map, order a hamburger, drive a car to deliver pizzas, read an Ikea construction notice). Between the two, the alpha and the epsilon, you have the half-educated people who can master a competence on definite actions, but have no general culture and no real independence of mind.
Tommy Robinson on InfoWars Monday 12-3-18 EXPLOSIVE INTERVIEW
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: February 2018
"The best place to hide a tree is in a forest."
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- "I'd like to know whose bright idea this was. It is ridiculous and not the business of a Government department. I can't see the Foreign Office promoting Christianity or the handing out of crosses." — Tory MP Andrew Bridgen in response to a decision by Foreign Office officials to give away taxpayer-funded Islamic headscarves, claiming they symbolized "liberation, respect and security."
- A review chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, a professor of Islam, proposed legislative changes that would require Muslim couples to undergo a civil marriage before or at the same time as their Islamic ceremony, to provide women with legal protection under British law. Nearly all those using Sharia councils were females seeking an Islamic divorce.
- "We, the United Kingdom, produced Jihadi John. Something in our cities and towns... have produced the most infamous terrorists. We need to start asking: what is it in our culture, in our cities, in our towns that is producing these sorts of monsters." — Maajid Nawaz, British counter-extremism activist.
- Islamic charities vulnerable to extremists receive £6 million a year from taxpayers in gift aid, according to a new report. The report accused charities of supporting "the spread of harmful non-violent extremist views that are not illegal; by providing platforms, credibility and support to a network of extremists operating in the UK."
February 1. Foreign Office officials invited 1,800 female staff members to wear Islamic headscarves to mark World Hijab Day. The department gave away taxpayer-funded headscarves, claiming they symbolized "liberation, respect and security." Critics, citing the compulsory veiling of women in Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, said the garment is a symbol of male oppression. Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said, "I'd like to know whose bright idea this was. It is ridiculous, a complete waste of taxpayers' money and not the business of a government department. I can't see the Foreign Office promoting Christianity or the handing out of crosses."
February 1. Max Hill QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, declared that it is "fundamentally wrong" to use the phrase "Islamist terrorism" to describe attacks carried out in Britain and elsewhere. Hill said that the word terrorism should not be attached "to any of the world religions" and that the term "Daesh-inspired terrorism" should be used instead. Tory MP Philip Davies blasted Hill for "pandering" to political correctness: "It might not be acceptable in the trendy metropolitan circles he moves in, but all he's doing is showing how out of touch he is with the public at large. I suggest this politically-correct snowflake gets out more."
February 1. The Home Office published the report of an 18-month independent review into the application of Sharia law in Britain by so-called Sharia councils. The review, chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, a professor of Islam at the University of Edinburgh, proposed legislative changes that would require Muslim couples to undergo a civil marriage before or at the same time as their Islamic ceremony. Such a requirement would provide women with legal protection under British law. The review said that nearly all those using Sharia councils were females seeking an Islamic divorce. As a "significant number" of Muslim couples do not register their marriages under civil law, "some Muslim women have no option of obtaining a civil divorce." The report also recommended that Sharia councils be subject to regulation.
February 4. Paul Song, a 48-year-old pastor, was fired from his job as a chaplain at Brixton prison in south London after the managing chaplain, Imam Mohammed Yusuf Ahmed, accused Song of promoting "extreme" Christian views. Song, who said he was ousted on the basis of false claims by a Muslim prisoner, said the imam was intent on changing "the Christian domination" inside the prison.
February 4. A British intelligence agent warned that hundreds of Islamic State jihadists have returned to Britain and are intent on recruiting more jihadists to carry out attacks in the United Kingdom. He said that most of the returnees have taken cover in areas with large Muslim populations, including Birmingham, Leicester, London and Luton. "The best place to hide a tree is in a forest, and this is what those who have fought for ISIS are doing," he said. "They have basically relocated their HQ from Syria to the UK. The fear is they will begin recruiting and will wage terror on British soil."
February 8. The number of sheep slaughtered in Britain without first being stunned has doubled to more than three million, according to official statistics. The increase was attributed to the Muslim community eating more sheep meat and "an enhanced religious observance."
February 8. Mohammed Farooq, a 44-year-old man from Croydon who threatened to "blow up" the Crescent Primary School in Selhurst, walked free after his defense attorney persuaded the court that "he was not aware of what he was doing." She told the court that he had been drinking as a result of the break-up of his 18-year marriage, and was "stressed out" because he had not seen his children. Farooq received a four-month suspended prison sentence.
February 9. Ahmed Abdoule, a 33-year-old Somali living in East Hull, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for raping a teenage girl. Hull Crown Court heard how Abdoule threatened to kill the victim if she told anyone. Judge Mark Bury told Abdoule: "She told you she was a virgin to try and get you to stop. You said to her, 'You cannot be, you are white.'"
February 10. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamud, a 31-year-old terror suspect with 17 aliases was found to be working at London's Heathrow Airport. An investigation found that Mohamud lied about his criminal past — he has multiple convictions for robbery, sexual assault and money laundering — and that no full background check was conducted before he was granted access to the airport's tarmac.
February 11. Brian Walker, a 63-year-old scout master from Bristol, was ousted for comparing a Muslim scout leader who wore a face-covering niqab to the Star Wars villain Darth Vader. Walker complained to Scouting magazine, the Scout Association's official publication, after it featured the woman who it said "cut a striking figure" "in her full Islamic veil" "when she takes the girls out canoeing." Walker emailed: "Canoeists don't dress like this; they need all-round unobstructed vision so they protect the group. They will most likely drown wearing that Darth Vader tent!" Walker also accused the association of increasingly promoting political correctness and interfaith issues above Christian values.
February 13. The British government unveiled a tool it says can accurately detect jihadist content and block it from being viewed. Home Secretary Amber Rudd told the BBC she would not rule out using the law to force technology companies to use it.
February 13. Maajid Nawaz, a counter-extremism activist, blamed Britain, not Islam, for creating the "Jihadi Beatles," four Britons who tortured and executed foreign aid workers and journalists in Syria. On LBC radio, he said:
February 16. Education Secretary Damian Hinds said it was "utterly wrong" for the head teacher of a leading primary school to have suffered abuse after banning the hijab for girls under the age of eight. His intervention came after Neena Lall, head of St Stephen's primary in Newham, came under fierce personal criticism — which likened her to Adolf Hitler — after banning young pupils from wearing the Islamic headscarf in school. The decision was reversed following a backlash from parents. "Schools are in charge of what is okay to wear to school and nobody should be subject to abuse and harassment — no school leader or school governor — as a result of that," Hinds said.
February 18. More than 200 mosques in Britain opened their doors to non-Muslims to mark Visit My Mosque Day, an "interfaith initiative" of the Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
February 18. London Modest Fashion Week showcased the latest styles in hijabs, abayas and long hemlines. The event was aimed at "breaking down stereotypes" in the fashion industry.
February 19. Blackburn Cathedral announced that would host a seminar called "Jihad of Jesus" which aims to "create a safe space to explore common ground and discuss the differences between the Muslim and Christian faiths." The announcement of the seminar came after the BBC aired a documentary questioning the relationships between religious communities in Blackburn. Senior Anglican clergy said that the BBC Panorama program "White Fright" did not paint an accurate picture of Blackburn.
February 20. Aweys Shikhey, a 38-year-old Dutch national originally from Somalia, was found guilty of trying to join the Islamic State. The court heard how Shikhey, a London delivery driver who has two wives, one in Holland and one in Kenya, was planning to elope with his Somali-Norwegian jihadi fiancée and travel from London to Turkey, and then on to Syria. The court also heard how he talked to other jihadists about attacking Queen Elizabeth, shooting Jews in Stamford Hill, north London, and football fans as they left Tottenham Hotspur's stadium. Shikhey awaits sentencing.
February 22. Zana Abbas Sulieman, a 27-year-old asylum seeker living in north-west London, was sentenced to nine years in prison for various terrorism offenses, including possessing and sharing a bomb-making video. Police said they found 32 Facebook accounts linked to Sulieman that contained terrorist-related material.
February 23. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said in a new book, Reimagining Britain, that Sharia law should never become part of the British legal system. He said the Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain's laws, which have developed over 500 years on the principles of a different culture. Welby also said that the arrival of large numbers of Muslims in Britain has led many to challenge the values of the majority population:
February 23. Ruzykhan Sayadi, a 23-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, was sentenced to 20 days in a rehabilitation program for threatening to carry out a terrorist attack by plowing a car into a group of white people and going on a knife rampage. Sayadi's lawyer successfully persuaded the judge that his client was frustrated at the slow pace of Britain's asylum process and had not intended to follow through with his threat. "He is in a pretty low state at the moment," Peter Du Feu said. "He is really at a low point because of his determination to achieve asylum status in this country." During sentencing, Judge Ian Pringle said, "You do need some assistance and some change if you are going to establish yourself as a lawful citizen of this country in due course."
February 25. Islamic charities vulnerable to extremists receive £6 million ($8.3 million) a year from taxpayers in gift aid, according to a report by the Henry Jackson Society. The charities are accused of promoting hardline speakers by giving them platforms, spreading their literature, providing them with credibility and enabling access to beneficiaries and the general public. The report accused charities of supporting "the spread of harmful non-violent extremist views that are not illegal; by providing platforms, credibility and support to a network of extremists operating in the UK."
February 25. The National Crime Agency (NCA), which is investigating child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, needs 100 more officers to tackle the unprecedented scale of abuse, according to the Guardian. The NCA has identified more than 1,500 potential victims and 110 suspects. Paul Williamson, the senior investigating officer on Operation Stovewood, said his team of officers had been able to contact only 17% of the possible victims because of a shortage of specially trained detectives. The operation is believed to have cost about £10 million ($14 million) to date.
February 26. Ten members of a Muslim sexual grooming gang appeared at Bradford Crown Court on charges of raping a 16-year-old girl. The men were arrested after a friend of the girl called the BBC, which had just aired a report about Muslim sex gangs in Rotherham.
February 26. Aryan Rashidi was sentenced to 14 years in prison for raping a pregnant woman at knifepoint in her bed after climbing into her house through an open window. Rashidi, an Afghan national who had entered Britain illegally in a truck, said he did not know his birth date and claimed to be 15 or 16. A dental examination showed Rashidi to be at least 22 years old.
February 26. The number of anti-Muslim hate crimes in London increased by almost 40% in the past year, according to Scotland Yard. There were 1,678 anti-Muslim hate crimes reported in the capital in the year up to January 2018, up from 1,205 the year before. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan warned perpetrators they face arrest and prosecution under a "zero-tolerance" approach.
February 27. Gary Staples, a 50-year-old convert to Islam, was sentenced to three years in prison for posting homemade videos on YouTube glorifying the Islamic State. The father of four, who is unemployed and lives on welfare, was convicted of seven charges of encouraging acts of terrorism and one charge of disseminating terrorist material.
February 27. Radio Dawn, a Muslim radio station based in Nottingham, was fined£2,000 ($2,750) for broadcasting a nasheed (an Islamic chant) which stated that violent acts committed against non-Muslims would bring honor to Islam. The nasheed, which was in Urdu and recited by a young boy, also included pejorative references to non-Muslims, who were repeatedly referred to as "Kuffar," the Arabic word for disbeliever, and, "Kaafir I Murdaar," meaning filthy disbeliever in Urdu. Ofcom, the British communications regulator, said the nasheed constituted hate speech. Station manager Sana Tariq said he did not agree with the song: "I was in disbelief, I couldn't believe something like this had been played. It's not something Radio Dawn believes in. Islam gives the message of peace and that's what we try to present."
February 1. Max Hill QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, declared that it is "fundamentally wrong" to use the phrase "Islamist terrorism" to describe attacks carried out in Britain and elsewhere. Hill said that the word terrorism should not be attached "to any of the world religions" and that the term "Daesh-inspired terrorism" should be used instead. Tory MP Philip Davies blasted Hill for "pandering" to political correctness: "It might not be acceptable in the trendy metropolitan circles he moves in, but all he's doing is showing how out of touch he is with the public at large. I suggest this politically-correct snowflake gets out more."
February 1. The Home Office published the report of an 18-month independent review into the application of Sharia law in Britain by so-called Sharia councils. The review, chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, a professor of Islam at the University of Edinburgh, proposed legislative changes that would require Muslim couples to undergo a civil marriage before or at the same time as their Islamic ceremony. Such a requirement would provide women with legal protection under British law. The review said that nearly all those using Sharia councils were females seeking an Islamic divorce. As a "significant number" of Muslim couples do not register their marriages under civil law, "some Muslim women have no option of obtaining a civil divorce." The report also recommended that Sharia councils be subject to regulation.
February 4. Paul Song, a 48-year-old pastor, was fired from his job as a chaplain at Brixton prison in south London after the managing chaplain, Imam Mohammed Yusuf Ahmed, accused Song of promoting "extreme" Christian views. Song, who said he was ousted on the basis of false claims by a Muslim prisoner, said the imam was intent on changing "the Christian domination" inside the prison.
February 4. A British intelligence agent warned that hundreds of Islamic State jihadists have returned to Britain and are intent on recruiting more jihadists to carry out attacks in the United Kingdom. He said that most of the returnees have taken cover in areas with large Muslim populations, including Birmingham, Leicester, London and Luton. "The best place to hide a tree is in a forest, and this is what those who have fought for ISIS are doing," he said. "They have basically relocated their HQ from Syria to the UK. The fear is they will begin recruiting and will wage terror on British soil."
February 8. The number of sheep slaughtered in Britain without first being stunned has doubled to more than three million, according to official statistics. The increase was attributed to the Muslim community eating more sheep meat and "an enhanced religious observance."
February 8. Mohammed Farooq, a 44-year-old man from Croydon who threatened to "blow up" the Crescent Primary School in Selhurst, walked free after his defense attorney persuaded the court that "he was not aware of what he was doing." She told the court that he had been drinking as a result of the break-up of his 18-year marriage, and was "stressed out" because he had not seen his children. Farooq received a four-month suspended prison sentence.
February 9. Ahmed Abdoule, a 33-year-old Somali living in East Hull, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for raping a teenage girl. Hull Crown Court heard how Abdoule threatened to kill the victim if she told anyone. Judge Mark Bury told Abdoule: "She told you she was a virgin to try and get you to stop. You said to her, 'You cannot be, you are white.'"
February 10. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamud, a 31-year-old terror suspect with 17 aliases was found to be working at London's Heathrow Airport. An investigation found that Mohamud lied about his criminal past — he has multiple convictions for robbery, sexual assault and money laundering — and that no full background check was conducted before he was granted access to the airport's tarmac.
February 11. Brian Walker, a 63-year-old scout master from Bristol, was ousted for comparing a Muslim scout leader who wore a face-covering niqab to the Star Wars villain Darth Vader. Walker complained to Scouting magazine, the Scout Association's official publication, after it featured the woman who it said "cut a striking figure" "in her full Islamic veil" "when she takes the girls out canoeing." Walker emailed: "Canoeists don't dress like this; they need all-round unobstructed vision so they protect the group. They will most likely drown wearing that Darth Vader tent!" Walker also accused the association of increasingly promoting political correctness and interfaith issues above Christian values.
February 13. The British government unveiled a tool it says can accurately detect jihadist content and block it from being viewed. Home Secretary Amber Rudd told the BBC she would not rule out using the law to force technology companies to use it.
February 13. Maajid Nawaz, a counter-extremism activist, blamed Britain, not Islam, for creating the "Jihadi Beatles," four Britons who tortured and executed foreign aid workers and journalists in Syria. On LBC radio, he said:
"We, the United Kingdom, produced Jihadi John. We, the United Kingdom, produced his other acolytes around him in the so-called Jihadi Beatles. Something in our cities and towns, something in the atmosphere within our communities in this country have produced the most infamous terrorists, at least in my lifetime. We need to start asking that question: what is it in our culture, in our cities, in our towns that is producing these sorts of monsters."February 14. Sir Michael Wilshaw, the former head of the Ofsted education regulator, said that there are 150 schools in Britain which require children to wear hijabs, and that the government was too politically correct to crack down on the problem.
February 16. Education Secretary Damian Hinds said it was "utterly wrong" for the head teacher of a leading primary school to have suffered abuse after banning the hijab for girls under the age of eight. His intervention came after Neena Lall, head of St Stephen's primary in Newham, came under fierce personal criticism — which likened her to Adolf Hitler — after banning young pupils from wearing the Islamic headscarf in school. The decision was reversed following a backlash from parents. "Schools are in charge of what is okay to wear to school and nobody should be subject to abuse and harassment — no school leader or school governor — as a result of that," Hinds said.
February 18. More than 200 mosques in Britain opened their doors to non-Muslims to mark Visit My Mosque Day, an "interfaith initiative" of the Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
February 18. London Modest Fashion Week showcased the latest styles in hijabs, abayas and long hemlines. The event was aimed at "breaking down stereotypes" in the fashion industry.
February 19. Blackburn Cathedral announced that would host a seminar called "Jihad of Jesus" which aims to "create a safe space to explore common ground and discuss the differences between the Muslim and Christian faiths." The announcement of the seminar came after the BBC aired a documentary questioning the relationships between religious communities in Blackburn. Senior Anglican clergy said that the BBC Panorama program "White Fright" did not paint an accurate picture of Blackburn.
February 20. Aweys Shikhey, a 38-year-old Dutch national originally from Somalia, was found guilty of trying to join the Islamic State. The court heard how Shikhey, a London delivery driver who has two wives, one in Holland and one in Kenya, was planning to elope with his Somali-Norwegian jihadi fiancée and travel from London to Turkey, and then on to Syria. The court also heard how he talked to other jihadists about attacking Queen Elizabeth, shooting Jews in Stamford Hill, north London, and football fans as they left Tottenham Hotspur's stadium. Shikhey awaits sentencing.
February 22. Zana Abbas Sulieman, a 27-year-old asylum seeker living in north-west London, was sentenced to nine years in prison for various terrorism offenses, including possessing and sharing a bomb-making video. Police said they found 32 Facebook accounts linked to Sulieman that contained terrorist-related material.
February 23. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said in a new book, Reimagining Britain, that Sharia law should never become part of the British legal system. He said the Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain's laws, which have developed over 500 years on the principles of a different culture. Welby also said that the arrival of large numbers of Muslims in Britain has led many to challenge the values of the majority population:
"Sharia, which has a powerful and ancient cultural narrative of its own, deeply embedded in a system of faith and understanding of God, and thus especially powerful in forming identity, cannot become part of another narrative.Welby's position reverses the one taken by his predecessor Lord Williams, who backed incorporating Sharia into the British legal system.
"Accepting it in part implies accepting its values around the nature of the human person, attitudes to outsiders, the revelation of God, and a basis for life in law, rather than grace, the formative word of Christian culture."
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said in a new book, Reimagining Britain, that Sharia law should never become part of the British legal system. He said the Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain's laws, which have developed over 500 years on the principles of a different culture. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
February 23. Ruzykhan Sayadi, a 23-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, was sentenced to 20 days in a rehabilitation program for threatening to carry out a terrorist attack by plowing a car into a group of white people and going on a knife rampage. Sayadi's lawyer successfully persuaded the judge that his client was frustrated at the slow pace of Britain's asylum process and had not intended to follow through with his threat. "He is in a pretty low state at the moment," Peter Du Feu said. "He is really at a low point because of his determination to achieve asylum status in this country." During sentencing, Judge Ian Pringle said, "You do need some assistance and some change if you are going to establish yourself as a lawful citizen of this country in due course."
February 25. Islamic charities vulnerable to extremists receive £6 million ($8.3 million) a year from taxpayers in gift aid, according to a report by the Henry Jackson Society. The charities are accused of promoting hardline speakers by giving them platforms, spreading their literature, providing them with credibility and enabling access to beneficiaries and the general public. The report accused charities of supporting "the spread of harmful non-violent extremist views that are not illegal; by providing platforms, credibility and support to a network of extremists operating in the UK."
February 25. The National Crime Agency (NCA), which is investigating child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, needs 100 more officers to tackle the unprecedented scale of abuse, according to the Guardian. The NCA has identified more than 1,500 potential victims and 110 suspects. Paul Williamson, the senior investigating officer on Operation Stovewood, said his team of officers had been able to contact only 17% of the possible victims because of a shortage of specially trained detectives. The operation is believed to have cost about £10 million ($14 million) to date.
February 26. Ten members of a Muslim sexual grooming gang appeared at Bradford Crown Court on charges of raping a 16-year-old girl. The men were arrested after a friend of the girl called the BBC, which had just aired a report about Muslim sex gangs in Rotherham.
February 26. Aryan Rashidi was sentenced to 14 years in prison for raping a pregnant woman at knifepoint in her bed after climbing into her house through an open window. Rashidi, an Afghan national who had entered Britain illegally in a truck, said he did not know his birth date and claimed to be 15 or 16. A dental examination showed Rashidi to be at least 22 years old.
February 26. The number of anti-Muslim hate crimes in London increased by almost 40% in the past year, according to Scotland Yard. There were 1,678 anti-Muslim hate crimes reported in the capital in the year up to January 2018, up from 1,205 the year before. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan warned perpetrators they face arrest and prosecution under a "zero-tolerance" approach.
February 27. Gary Staples, a 50-year-old convert to Islam, was sentenced to three years in prison for posting homemade videos on YouTube glorifying the Islamic State. The father of four, who is unemployed and lives on welfare, was convicted of seven charges of encouraging acts of terrorism and one charge of disseminating terrorist material.
February 27. Radio Dawn, a Muslim radio station based in Nottingham, was fined£2,000 ($2,750) for broadcasting a nasheed (an Islamic chant) which stated that violent acts committed against non-Muslims would bring honor to Islam. The nasheed, which was in Urdu and recited by a young boy, also included pejorative references to non-Muslims, who were repeatedly referred to as "Kuffar," the Arabic word for disbeliever, and, "Kaafir I Murdaar," meaning filthy disbeliever in Urdu. Ofcom, the British communications regulator, said the nasheed constituted hate speech. Station manager Sana Tariq said he did not agree with the song: "I was in disbelief, I couldn't believe something like this had been played. It's not something Radio Dawn believes in. Islam gives the message of peace and that's what we try to present."
Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
'A national disgrace': fury over £100m aid deal between UK and Saudi

Unveiling of plan to create infrastructure in poor countries
overshadowed by unease over Saudi role in Yemen conflict
Fri 9 Mar 2018 17.26 GMTLast modified on Fri 9 Mar 2018 22.05 GMT
Theresa May poses with Mohammed bin Salman outside 10 Downing
Street during the Saudi crown prince’s three-day visit to the UK. Photograph:
Wiktor Szymanowicz/REX/Shutterstock
The controversial aid deal between the UK and Saudi Arabia announced
on Friday has been branded a “national disgrace”.
Amid further outcry over Britain’s relationship with the Gulf state,
government ministers have signed a £100m aid agreement with Riyadh to coincide
with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to London this
The government described the deal as a “new long-term partnership” to improve
livelihoods and boost economic development in some of the world’s poorest
But the accord has been greeted with fury by opposition MPs and the aid
sector, with grave concerns expressed about Saudi Arabia’s role in the Yemen conflict.
Kate Osamor, the shadow international development secretary, said the
agreement “made a mockery” of Britain’s reputation as a global leader in delivering
humanitarian aid.
“Theresa May implied she would lobby Mohammed bin Salman to stop bombing
civilians and end the use of starvation as a weapon of war,” said Osamor.
Reformer or rogue? Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman – video
“Over 22 million Yemeni lives depend on permanent, full access for aid,
food and fuel in Yemen. Instead, she has won no concessions and simply handed
on a plate to Saudi Arabia a new humanitarian partnership and an endorsement
from DfID [the Department for International Development], the world’s best aid
“It will whitewash Saudi Arabia’s reputation and role in the war, and it
is a national disgrace.”
Osamor said that in signing an agreement with Saudi Arabia, Britain had
aligned itself with the country primarily responsible for one of the world’s
biggest humanitarian crises. A total of 8.4 million people in
Yemen are in imminent danger of famine.
The partnership, which will pool the development expertise of both
countries, is the first of its kind between Britain and the Saudi Fund for Development.
The aim, said DfID, would be to create vital infrastructure in drought
and conflict-stricken countries.
Penny Mordaunt, the international development secretary, said: “The
Saudi Fund has a long record of investing in successful development projects
around the world.
“We are sharing the best of British expertise, and our collective
efforts will help create jobs and livelihoods to support the poorest people to
stand on their own two feet. This in turn will help to boost global prosperity,
which is in all of our interests.”
Mordaunt had previously said Saudi Arabia had no excuse for blocking aid to Yemen,
warning that the use of starvation as a weapon was in breach of humanitarian
law, but a DfID statement announcing the deal said the UK was “encouraged by
the easing of restrictions into Yemen”.
Critics have questioned claims of progress,
however, arguing that the Saudi-led coalition is only permitting goods through
ports on a month-by-month basis, dramatically limiting the efforts of NGOs,
traders and shipping agents to get supplies into Yemen.
Osamor said: “In the same breath as announcing this new deal, the
government acknowledges there can be ‘no excuse’ for stopping humanitarian
supplies, and has claimed this week there is no blockade.”
She added: “Fuel deliveries are estimated to be at just 19% of what is
needed and, in January, seven cities shut down their water systems for lack of
“Before signing off on any new humanitarian partnership, Theresa May and
Penny Mordaunt should have insisted on full, permanent access so millions of
Yemeni lives can be saved. It
is unforgivable that they did not.”
Osamor said the burden was now on the government to show the new
partnership had substance and was more than “just big business”.
Allan Hogarth, head of policy and government affairs at Amnesty
International UK, also voiced concern over the deal.
He said: “British overseas aid is important in many ways, but at a time
when the UK is arming a Saudi-led military coalition that’s laying waste to
homes, hospitals and schools in Yemen, this raises troubling questions.
“It is not good enough for the UK to provide humanitarian aid on the one
hand and supply the weapons that fuel a humanitarian crisis on the other.”
Bin Salman’s three-day charm offensive has included talks with Theresa
May and the Archbishop of Canterbury, and an audience with the Queen.
Kevin Watkins, chief executive of Save the Children, blasted the
government over the welcome lavished on the prince, who is taking steps to
modernise the ultra-conservative Arab state.
Speaking in London at the launch of a report on crimes against children in
warzones, Watkins said: “It has become acceptable to operate
humanitarian blockades which, if not explicitly designed to starve children and
harm children, will have that inevitable consequence.
'A cynical PR exercise': critics round on $3.5bn plan to allay Yemen
“The fact that we have the head
of state of a government that has been operating such a blockade – Saudi Arabia
– recently invited to Buckingham Palace and Downing Street while the military …
is orchestrating what will potentially become the worst famine in the last 50
years, I think speaks volumes.”
Noting a “growing sense of impunity surrounding crimes against
children”, Watkins added: “The fact that you can rape, murder, kidnap, bomb
schools, bomb clinics with no consequence, speaks I think to the heart of the
deeper challenge.”
Yemen, which borders southern Saudi Arabia, has been embroiled in a
bloody civil war since 2014, when rebels took over the capital, Sana’a.
Saudi Arabia is the main player in a coalition supporting the Yemeni
government against the Houthis in a war that has caused a humanitarian
Downing Street defended Bin Salman’s visit, saying trade deals worth
£65bn had been agreed.

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