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Anne Cunningham and Keith Stanovich
source : Principal 83 no 2 N/D 2003.
The more children read, the greater their vocabulary and
the better their cognitive skills.
In brief
Two researchers examine the “positive feedback loop” that avid readers
experience and present research findings to support their belief that reading
itself—no matter the reading level—builds vocabulary and increases
the ability to read fluently.
We've known for a while how
children learn to read and the foundational milestones they must achieve to
become fluent and accomplished readers. But now we are seeing that the amount
of print children are exposed to has profound cognitive consequences, and that
the act of reading itself serves to
increase the achievement differences among children.
Research has shown that early success at
reading is clearly one of the keys that unlocks a lifetime of reading habits.
We now understand that children who crack the spelling-to-sound code early
appear to enter something like a positive feedback loop, a reciprocal effect in
which reading increases their ability
to read.
This may explain the Matthew Effect seen so
often in literacy development, a rich-get-richer and poor-get-poorer phenomenon
that has early and efficient acquisition of reading skill yielding faster rates
of growth not only in reading achievement but other cognitive skills as well
(Stanovich 1986; Walberg & Tsai 1983). We believe that independent reading
may help explain the widening achievement disparities between the educational
haves and have-nots.
Building Vocabulary
Support for our belief can
be seen most easily in the field of vocabulary development. Research has shown
that after decoding skills, a child's vocabulary is one of the most important
factors in fluent and easy reading. Children with limited vocabularies stumble
over unfamiliar words in trying to read a sentence and can't keep the thread of
the idea—a sure formula for difficulty and dislike of reading.
While it is generally agreed that most
children's vocabulary growth occurs indirectly through language exposure rather
than direct instruction, we now realize it is reading volume, rather than oral
language, that is the primary source of their differences in vocabularies. This
has been shown through Hayes and Ahrens' (1988) research analyzing the
frequency and complexity of words a person might encounter in different
Hayes and Ahrens analyzed
three different categories of language: written language sampled from texts
ranging in difficulty from scientific articles to preschool readers; words
spoken on different types of television shows; and
adult speech (Table 1).
They then analyzed the words according to a standard frequency count that tells how often an average
person would hear or read a particular word
(Carroll et al. 1971). So, for
example, "the" is ranked number 1 in terms of frequent use (out of
roughly 87,000 words) while a more specialized word like "amplifier" is ranked 16,000th.
For vocabulary growth to
occur (especially after the middle grades) children must be exposed to words
that are relatively rare, and it is print that provides many such word-learning
opportunities. For example, Hayes and Ahrens found children's books to have 50
percent more rare words in them than adult prime-time television or the
conversation of college graduates.
relative differences have direct implications for children's vocabulary
development. For if most vocabulary is acquired outside of formal teaching,
then opportunities to acquire new words occur vastly more often while reading
rather than listening.
So if
we want children to improve their vocabulary and reading fluency, we must get
them to log many hours on printed pages. But there is a huge difference in
reading volume between avid and reluctant readers. Data from a study of
out-of-school reading time by fifth graders show that a child at the 50th
percentile read about five minutes a day, or a half-hour per week—more than six
times as much as a child at the 20th percentile (Anderson et al. 1988). Table
2 illustrates the enormous
differences in word exposure generated by children's
different proclivities toward reading. For example, just two days'
out-of-school reading for a child at the 90th percentile amounts to an entire
year's reading for a child at the 10th percentile!
Reading Works for Everyone
It is one thing to
speculate how differences in reading volume may have specific cognitive
consequences. It is another to demonstrate that these effects are occurring. All
of our studies have demonstrated that reading a lot is effective regardless of the level of a child's
cognitive and reading ability. We do not have to wait for
"prerequisite" abilities to be in place before encouraging students'
free reading. Even the student with limited reading and comprehension skills will
build vocabulary and thinking skills through reading.
Moreover, in our research we have observed the
large and unique contribution independent, out-of-school
reading makes toward reading ability, aspects of verbal intelligence, and
general knowledge about the world (Cunningham & Stanovich 1990, 1991, 1997;
Stanovich 1993, 2000; Stanovich & Cunningham 1992, 1993; Stanovich &
West 1989). We have found that there are specific effects of reading volume
that do not simply result from the higher cognitive abilities and skills of
the more avid reader.
This is an encouraging
message for principals to give teachers of low-achieving students. Since
reading has such profound consequences, it is imperative that we do not deny
reading experiences to precisely those students whose verbal abilities most
need bolstering. If we want them to get a successful early start for reading
ability, it is critical that we support their extensive engagement with print.
Table 2. Variation in
Independent Reading by Fifth Graders
of Reading Per Day
(%) Books All Reading
98 65.0 90.7
90 21.1 40.4
80 14.2 31.1
70 9.6 21.7
60 6.5 18.1
50 4.6 12.9
40 3.2 8.6
30 1.3 5.8
20 0.7 3.1
10 0.1 1.6
2 0.0 0.2
from Anderson, Wi1son, and Fielding (1988).
The Principal’s Role
As instructional leaders, principals should promote extended
independent reading opportunities at home and after school by ensuring the
During the school day:
Classrooms are full of
books and writing materials.
are special book centers with places to read comfortably.
A wide variety of genres
(both informational text as well as literature) are available.
Children's compositions
and illustrations about favorite books are prominently displayed in the
Frequent opportunity for
children to read in teacher-selected books and on their own in self-selected
work together to support and teach reading across all subject areas.
discussions of books and print are
frequently observed.
Outside the school day:
Establish a schoolwide reading program at home and support it by
replenishing books and print material.
Demonstrate to parents the importance of reading out Ioud to
children in text that is above their reading level.
Provide after-school reading programs to support extended
experiences with print.
Develop a Iiteracy attitude checklist to keep
in touch with motivational levels and provide specific support.
Anderson, R. C.; Wilson, P. T.; and Fielding, L. G.
"Growth in Reading and How Children Spend Their Time Outside of
School." Reading Research Quarterly'
23 (1988): 285-303.
J. B.; Davies, P.; and Richman, B. Word
Frequency Book. Boston: Houghton Miflin. 1971.
Cunningham, A. E. and Stanovich, K. E. "Assessing
Print Exposure and Orthographic Processing Skill in Children: A Quick Measure
of Reading Experience." Journal of
Educational Psychology 82 (1990): 733-740.
Cunningham, A. E. and Stanovich, K. E. "Tracking the
Unique Effects of Print Exposure in Children: Associations with Vocabulary,
General Knowledge, and Spelling." Journal
of Educational Psychology 83 (1991): 264-274.
A. E. and Stanovich. K. E. "Early Reading Acquisition and its Relation to
Reading Experience and Ability 10 Years Later." Developmental Psychology 33,6 (1997); 934-945.
Hayes, D.
P. "Speaking and Writing: Distinct Patterns of Word Choice." Journal of Memory and Language 27
(1988): 572-585.
Hayes, D.
P. and Ahrens, M. "Vocabulary Simplification for Children: A Special Case
of `Motherese'?" Journal of Child Language 15 (1988): 395-410.
K. E. Progress in Understanding Reading, New
York: Guilford Press, 2000.
Stanovich, K. E. "Does Reading Make You Smarter?
Literacy and the Development of Verbal Intelligence." In H. Reese (Ed.), Advances in Child Development
and Behavior: 133-180. San Diego: Academic Press, 1993.
Stanovich, K. E. "Matthew Effects in Reading: Some
Consequences of Individual Differences in the Acquisition of Literacy." Reading Research Quarterly 21 (1986):
K. E. and Cunningham, A. E. "Studying the Consequences of Literacy Within
a Literate Society: The Cognitive Correlates of Print Exposure." Memory & Cognition 20 (1992): 51-68.
K. E. and Cunningham, A. E. "Where Does Knowledge Corne From? Specific
Associations Between Print Exposure and Information Acquisition." journal of Educational PsycholVgy 85
(1993): 211-229.
Stanovich, K. E. and West, R. F. "Ekposure to Print
and Orthographic Processing." Reading
Research Quarterly 24 (1989): 402-433.
H.J. and Tsai, S. "Matthew Effects in Education." American Educational Research Journal 20
(1983): 359-373.
Anne Cunningham is professor of cognition
and development at the University of California, Berkeley. Her e-mail address
is acunning@uclink.berkeley.edu.
Keith Stanovich is professor of human
development and applied psychology at the University of Toronto. His e-mail
address is kstanovich@oise.utoronto.ca.
The International Reading Association has a
number of resources on reading and literacy, including an archival listing of
published articles on vocabulary.
(deleted link)
The Virginia Tech Division of Student Affairs
provides brief guidelines for building vocabulary
SuperKids posts game-like strategies to help
children build vocabularies.
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