On a ici les prémisses d'un futur génocide des blancs en Afrique du Sud moins de 20 ans après la fin de l'Apartheid, on assiste à un apartheid doublé de menaces de génocide. Des fermiers blancs sont massacrés dans l'indifférence médiatique générale. Les ONG et les associations antiracistes ne se manifestent que pour certaines couleurs de peau.
"Je veux nettoyer ce pays de tous les blancs. Nous devons agir comme Hitler l'a fait avec les Juifs."
Velaphi Vel-hova Khumalo : Les blancs en Afrique du Sud méritent d'être massacrés et tués comme les Juifs. Vous avez le même "venom moss" (?). Regardez la Palestine. Maintenant vous devez être découpés vivants et écorchés vifs et vos enfants utilisés comme engrais agricoles."
Thank you so much for watching. One of the most helpful things you can do is share this video and spread the word about what is happening in South Africa - but if you want to go a step even further here are a few things to check out. If you'd like to support trips like this and help us turn these stories into a real documentary, here are some links to do that: Patreon: https://laurensouthern.net/support/ Paypal: https://www.PayPal.Me/LaurenSouthern Bitcoin Wallet: 1JLM6GJwaPdNv4dM8K5KkcFHeziXXXMGKT Amazon Kitlist: http://amzn.eu/iUK2KUy If you'd like to help Jeanine: I remember distinctly Jeanine mentioning that she would love legal advice. Her family are afraid for their lives, they don't know if her fathers murderer is going to come back for them once he's released. If there are any legal experts in South Africa or elsewhere who can offer her any aid, please reach out. Or if you would simply like to send her a kind message, I can forward that as well. I'm forwarding the emails instead of handing out her direct address because I'm positive she doesn't need any hoards of hate mail or spam, and it's no skin off my back to do a little filtering. So if you'd like to contact her please make the title of your email "Justice For Jeanine" and send it to: contactlsouthern@gmail.com How you can help other farmers: On this trip we've been lucky enough to get help from a group called the Suidlanders (or Southlanders). They are a civil defence force preparing for peaceful aid and protection of South Africa's minority Afrikaner population if any sort of civil war or serious government persecution breaks out. You can check out their website and support them at https://suidlanders.org/ One last thing! This trip would not be possible at all without the help from my wonderful supporters and patrons. Thank you a million. Adelaide Gergely Jason Katalin Richard William Aaron Peter Mateusz Thomas Christopher Katalin Ian L aka/ nonzombie Ivan Drew Matthew

En Afrique du Sud, la complainte des descendants du roi zoulou
REPORTAGE - À la veille de la Conférence de l'ANC (Congrès national africain), la question des terres ressurgit comme un éternel sujet de contentieux entre les communautés.
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