1- Le croisé inattendu
2- Romancer l'enfant
3- 8 Short Chapters on E.D. Hirsch Educational Theory
4- E. D. Hirsch, Jr. (Core Knowledge)
5- Critical Guide to educational terms and phrases
Antipathy to subject-matter content
"break-the-mold schools"
"facts, inferior to understanding"
"facts are soon outdated"
"intellectual capital"
"less is more"
"mere facts"
"rote learning"
"textbook learning"
"transmission theory of schooling"
"teaching for understanding"
"facts, inferior to understanding"
"facts are soon outdated"
"intellectual capital"
"less is more"
"mere facts"
"rote learning"
"textbook learning"
"transmission theory of schooling"
"teaching for understanding"
Naturalistic pedagogy
"cooperative learning"
"discovery learning"
"drill and kill"
"hands-on learning"
"holistic learning"
"learning by doing""multiaged classroom"
"open classroom"
"passive listening"
"project method"
"rote learning"
"thematic learning"
"whole-class instruction"
"whole-language instruction"
Tool conception of education
"accessing skills"
"critical-thinking skills"
"higher-order skills"
"learning to learn"
"lifelong learning"
"metacognitive skills"
"problem-solving skills"
"promise of technology"
"cooperative learning"
"discovery learning"
"drill and kill"
"hands-on learning"
"holistic learning"
"learning by doing""multiaged classroom"
"open classroom"
"passive listening"
"project method"
"rote learning"
"thematic learning"
"whole-class instruction"
"whole-language instruction"
Tool conception of education
"accessing skills"
"critical-thinking skills"
"higher-order skills"
"learning to learn"
"lifelong learning"
"metacognitive skills"
"problem-solving skills"
"promise of technology"
Romantic developmentalism
"at their own pace"
"child-centered schooling"
"developmentally appropriate"
"factory-model schools"
"individual differences"
"individualized instruction"
"individual learning styles"
"multiaged classroom"
"multiple intelligences"
"multiple learning styles"
"one size fits all"
"student-centered education"
"teach the child, not the subject."
"teach the whole child"
"at their own pace"
"child-centered schooling"
"developmentally appropriate"
"factory-model schools"
"individual differences"
"individualized instruction"
"individual learning styles"
"multiaged classroom"
"multiple intelligences"
"multiple learning styles"
"one size fits all"
"student-centered education"
"teach the child, not the subject."
"teach the whole child"
Antipathy to testing and ranking
"authentic assessment"
"culturally-biased tests"
"performance-based assessment"
"portfolio assessment"
"authentic assessment"
"culturally-biased tests"
"performance-based assessment"
"portfolio assessment"
See a summary for parents here :
Antipoison pédagogique (Guide critique des termes- et expressions-pièges qui parsèment le débat éducatif)
Conception formaliste-utilitaire de l’enseignement
Développementalisme romantique
Enseigner à l’enfant et non enseigner la matière.
Enseigner à l'enfant dans sa globalité Enseigner en classe entière | |
Antipathie au contenu disciplinaire
Antipathie envers la notation et le classement
| |
Pédagogie naturaliste
Ce document est la traduction du Guide critique des termes et des expressions en éducation qui est en annexe du livre The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them de E. D. Hirsch. Texte en anglais : Critical Guide to Educational Terms and Phrases.
La traduction française est de Pierre Lariba [lariba@wanadoo.fr].
Un abrégé de ce texte, écrit par la Texas Education Consumers Association pour son site Web se trouve sur le site de l'association NYC HOLD, Honest Open Logical Decisions on Mathematics Education Reform.
Publication sur le site de Michel Delord : http://michel.delord.free.fr/hirsch-terminology-fr.pdf |
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