20 novembre 2011

Hung Hsi Wu and the Common Core States Standards

General and Professional Development    The impact of Common Core Standards on the mathematics education of teachers (For mathematicians and education researchers)   (April 29, 2011)

and Professional Development    What is different about the Common Core Mathematics Standards? (For teachers and educators)   (June 20, 2011)

and Professional Development    The Common Core Mathematics Standards: Implications for Administrators (For teachers and administrators)   (June 22, 2011)

   Syllabi of High School Courses According to the Common Core Standards (For high school teachers and adminstrators)  (August 5, 2011)

   Teaching Fractions According to the Common Core Standards (For teachers of K-8 and educators)  (August 5, 2011)

and Curriculum    Bringing the Common Core State Mathematics Standards to Life.   American Educator, Fall 2011, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 3-13. Go to http://www.aft.org/newspubs/periodicals/ae/index.cfm

   Dialog with Rick Hess on the Common Core Mathematics Standards (For general audience)  (October 29, 2011)

and Professional Development    Professional development and Textbook school mathematics (For mathematicians and education researchers)   (October 29,2011) 

cf. Hung Hsi Wu's webpage : http://math.berkeley.edu/~wu/

cf. American Educator  Fall 2011 | Vol. 35, No. 3
Phoenix Rising
Bringing the Common Core Standards to Life

Phoenix Rising
Bringing the Common Core State Mathematics Standards to Life
By Hung-Hsi Wu
For many teachers, mathematics is a frightening subject. They are right to be afraid: most math standards are incoherent and virtually all textbooks contain many errors. Worse, teacher education in mathematics, both pre- and in-service, tends to be light on mathematics content that is relevant to the K–12 classroom. Solving these problems will take enormous effort, but the Common Core State Mathematics Standards are an important first step. Unlike most other standards, these have the potential to logically and coherently build students' knowledge of mathematics. Bringing these standards to life in classrooms will require a new partnership between mathematicians and educators so that correct mathematics and effective pedagogy can be written into brand new (not revised!) teacher education programs and student textbooks.

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